Lighting By Veterans is now Commercial
It's almost that time again to start planning for our fourth and best quarter of the year. Starting October 1st,
Lighting By Veterans is officially in the 2014 Commercial Christmas Light Installation Season. If you own or manage a commercial property and are looking for a Decorative Holiday Experience for your clients than give
LBV a call at 469-269-2838 (AVET). We may be the only company than can completely offer a customized solution to your Christmas Light Installation needs. Let's make a decision this year that will be a building block for years to come.

Many companies agree to sign the 3 year contract and lease the lights from their Christmas Light Installation Company. Since we mainly custom design and fabricate the decorations to a specific location, there's really no need to take them back. Think about a business that spends over $15,000 a year on decorations and successfully completes their three year commitment. Year four they've spend $45,000 and don't have one light bulb or wreath to show for it. Now is the time to get the Texas based company on your site and on your property in 2014. You can reach us at

Now on our fourth year of business, it's time to step the game up to another level. This year
Lighting By Veterans will continue their Holiday Generosity once again in a couple of different ways. In 2014 we plan to hire over 60 Military Veterans to install your decorations which whom are usually found at job fairs around the Dallas area. The second thing we will be doing is introducing
Santa Claus back to the oldest children in a family, the parents. With so many kids that do not believe in Santa, you can only point the finger at the parent who do not believe. If a parent writes an email to Santa ( with a what their child would really like to have and why they believe in Santa than he can do his job. We will be looking for local Churches, Hospitals and Businesses to assist us in reading these emails and showing the believing parents that the "Spirit of Christmas" is real.
Please Contact us at
or call 469-269-2838 (AVET) #LBVets